Write a Java Program That Counts the Number of Vowels and Consonants Used in the String Entered

Java Program to count Vowels and Consonants in a word using JavaIn this article, we will take on a popular programming exercise of counting vowels in a word. You need to write a Java program to count how many vowels in a String, which is entered from the command prompt. It's similar to the program of counting the occurrence of characters in a String, in fact, it's a special case, where you need to count occurrences of all vowels, which includes five characters a, e, i, o and u. We will further use Scanner to get input from the user, as shown in this article. Though I have put down all code inside the main method for quick testing, if you are asked to write this program as part of your homework or during the interview, better writing a method called public int countVowels(String word) and put the logic of counting vowels there. That's a better coding style than writing everything inside the main method.

By the way, you can also use this logic to count number of consonants in a Java String. What you need to do is first count number of vowels and then subtract those characters from length of String, but remember this will only work if your String contains only alphabetic words, if it contains special character like @, _, | or numbers like 1,2,3 etc, than it will not work.

In that case you need to extend your logic to only count consonants, by extending your switch case to include rest of 21 characters from English alphabets.

Java Program to count vowels and consonants in String

            import            java.util.Scanner;            /**                          * Java Program to count vowels in a String. It accept a String from command prompt                          * and count how many vowels it contains. To revise, 5 letters a, e, i, o and u are                          * known as vowels in English.                          */            public            class            VowelCounter            {            public            static            void            main(String args[]) {           System.out.println("Please enter some text");           Scanner reader =            new            Scanner(System.in);                          String input = reader.nextLine();            char[] letters = input.toCharArray();            int            count =            0;            for            (char            c : letters) {            switch            (c) {            case            'a':            case            'e':            case            'i':            case            'o':            case            'u':                       count++;            break;            default:            // no count increment            }         }             System.out.println("Number of vowels in String ["            + input +            "] is : "            + count);      }  }            Output:            Please enter some text                              How many vowels                  in this String                            Number of vowels in String [How many vowels in              this              String] is :              7                      

You can see that the above String contains 7 vowel characters, highlighted by red font. This method is pretty quick as we are only accessing the array and the using switch to compare it to another character. If you notice theswitch statement that you will see that we are using fall-through approach, means there is no break for all five cases, as you don't need to put break after every case. it will only increase count at one time, because increment is done at last case statement.

That's all folks on this programming exercise, It's interesting to count number of vowels or consonants in Java String, and you can do it differently as well. If you are keen to do more programming exercise, try to come out with a different solution and then compare that with this solution.

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Write a Java Program That Counts the Number of Vowels and Consonants Used in the String Entered

Source: https://www.java67.com/2013/11/how-to-count-vowels-and-consonants-in-Java-String-word.html

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